
Showing posts from April, 2022

Top 9 Most Common Questions About Invisalign

Invisalign is among the most modern methods of straightening your teeth to get that smile you've always dreamed of. If you're deciding between straightening your teeth in the traditional method or with Invisalign be sure that you're aware of the two choices. Below, we've provided a list of some of the most commonly asked questions regarding Invisalign: What is Invisalign perform? Invisalign employs the latest 3-D technology for computer imaging to establish an entire treatment plan, starting beginning with the initial location of your teeth until the final goal position. Then clear aligners are made to fit your particular teeth based on the results. Each one is used for a few weeks followed by the next one in the series so that your teeth will gradually get to the ideal place. What are the major advantages of Invisalign? Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and, therefore, you will not even be aware that braces are o...

Top 10 Most Important Reasons to Use Invisalign

Invisalign is not all about vanity. It’s ironic that such a powerful product that has made leaps and bounds in orthodontics is marketed using such frivolous principles. It’s not about the convenience of being able to eat candy or play football while you straighten your teeth or about forgoing a “ metal-mouth”  smile in photographs. Near-invisibility and convenience aside, here are the top 9 most important reasons to use Invisalign, starting with the most important. 1. A good bite So what’s so great about a good bite? This is what orthodontics and braces were invented for – not to give you a pretty smile, as you may have been told, but rather, to improve your overall health and live without pain! We, Orthodontists, study this as a science, but when we bring it to our patients, we fail to educate them about the bite and the complications that can develop due to a bad bite and, instead, sell it to them totally for aesthetics. No doubt that a beautiful smile brings confidenc...

How much Invisalign costs

Are you considering Invisalign ? Invisalign is a type of Orthodontic Appliance that helps to straighten teeth without the use of the typical metal braces or wires. Invisalign has quickly revolutionized the orthodontics world. Now patients have a different option besides ugly metal brackets. Invisalign treatment involves wearing a series of custom-made clear plastic aligners that help shift your teeth into the proper position as decided by your doctor. Patients who would have never considered braces before are now considering Invisalign. For many people, though, the choice comes down to cost. How much do Invisalign braces cost? Are they worth the money, or are you better off going with traditional braces? The typical price of Invisalign is usually a bit higher than regular braces but considering so many advantages it's an investment most people are willing to consider. The average Invisalign cost in Jaipur , according to Invisalign is between  Rs.1,50,000-Rs.3,50,000  and it v...

Everything You Need to Know About Invisible Aligners

Straight my teeth are not only an important cosmetic factor, but it can also affect your bite and chewing habits. This article will give you all the information you need to decide whether clear aligners are right for you. Now that you know how straight my teeth can be with Invisalign, I hope you are ready to take the plunge. It's time to Make Your Smile Shine! What is an Invisible Aligner? Invisible aligners are a great way to straighten your teeth without anyone noticing you are wearing them. They have been developed to look more like a mouthguard, so they don't show up in pictures and videos. Invisalign is the best invisible aligner on the market. It has been proven to work better than other brands with fewer side effects. Invisalign Aligners can be purchased from doctors who specialize in orthodontics or through their Official Website. Different Types of Invisible Aligners Aligners are an invisible alternative to traditional metal braces. They come in various types, shapes...